How many computers can I download Faccor Home Edition onto?
Faccor Home Edition can be downloaded onto only one computer
What operating systems does Faccor Home Edition work with?
Faccor Home Edition works with Windows, Linux and Mac.
Does this software work with Netbooks and touch screens?
Faccor Home Edition has been designed to be used with Netbooks and its interface is perfectly adapted to touch screens.
How can I buy Faccor Home Edition?
After the 15 day trial period you can buy Faccor Home Edition directly through the software itself. You can pay by cheque or you can choose to be directed to PAYPAL (high security) for payment by credit card. You can monitor your payment directly through Faccor Home Edition.
Why can't I buy the Faccor Home Edition software on the website?
The software can't be bought directly from the site at present because this is done directly through the software itself. This means you can benefit from a trial period of 15 days before you buy it.
What is the special offer code for?
The special offer code means you get a discount on the cost of Faccor Home Edition.
How do I get my special offer code?
You get your special offer code from advertising flyers, from retailers or from your friends.
What is included in the upgrades?
From payment of the selected offer when the free trial expires, you will get free, unlimited upgrades (excluding options, complementary files and different versions). These upgrades will be done automatically and you just need to be connected to the internet.
How can I contact the Faccor team for information?
Just leave us a message in the "contact us" box on the website and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.
Technical details
Where is my data kept after registering?
All your data is automatically stored on your hard drive
Software details
How do I activate my account?
Account activation is done under "free registration" on the software main page after you have agreed to the licence and as soon as you receive the activation key in your mail inbox. You copy this into the "key" field.
What is a main account?
As soon as you have activated your account you are considered as the main user and you fill in all the fields that correspond to you in order to personalise your family budget.
How can I open another user account?
To add another user you just click on the "user list" button on the program main page. Fill in the "identifier" and the "password" fields and confirm. A double click on the user brings you back to the main page where you enter your password and then confirm. The new user account is ready.
Can another user access my details?
Each user has an independent account and the details are not visible to others. However, you can decide to share your contacts with another user. To do this, when you enter the details of another person or of a contact you just click on the "share" box.
Why are there videos and other help items included in the Faccor Home Edition software?
The videos and other forms of help allow you to use the software even more quickly by briefly showing you the key features and tips.
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